Tarak mehta status video status video download

Tarak mehta is a very popular show from the Indian tv channel SUB TV. People love it for the uniqueness of all the characters and storyline. It is a family show and running from last 8 years. If you are also a TMKOC fan and want to share some funny moments on your status download awesome tarak mehta status videos. There are lots of status video of daya, jethalal, popatlaal and many other characters from the show. You will find the most hillarious moments from the show and the pair of jetha and daya will make all your friends laugh hard.

Funny tarak mehta status video collection
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 

  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 

  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 

  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 
  5.7m : MP4 : 30s 

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